Til baka

Kay Bojesen var silfursmiður sem að lærði á verkstæði Georg Jensen í Kaupmannahöfn. Eftir að hafa starfað við greinina í nokkur ár í Þýskalandi og Frakklandi ákvað hann að breyta til og fór að vinna með tré. Hann er í dag einn af allra þekktustu hönnuðum sem Danir hafa alið af sér og þá einkum fyrir tréfígúrur sínar sem margir þekkja. Kay sagði eitt sinn að dýrin sín ættu ekki að líkjast alvöru dýrum, heldur að fá frelsi til að vera þau sjálf og hafa sinn eigin karakteríska persónuleika. Rosendahl keypti framleiðsluréttinn af Kay Bojsen vörunum árið 1990.

Apinn var annar í röðinni af dýrunum sem Kaj Boysen smíðaði á eftir hundinum, en í kjölfarið komu björninn og fíllinn. 

Allar vörur frá Kay Bojesen koma úr FSC-vottuðum sjálfbærum skógum.

Hæð: 18,5 cm. 
Breidd: 19,5 cm. 

Two of the most iconic milestones in Danish design history have joined forces to celebrate the smiling lines and cheerful stripes each of them has contributed to Danish design. The famous Kay Bojesen Monkey was created back in 1951 when Kay Bojesen wanted to make a coat hook at child’s height so his children could reach their clothes. Instead, he ended up making a world-renowned Danish design icon. Now the iconic Monkey has got its own set of clothes. And what better suits a Danish design icon than another Danish design icon? You can get Monkey with the beautiful painted Nørgaard on Strøget #101 T-shirt in either this white with black stripes or black with white stripes. Both colours feature the well-known red neckline, which you can only find on #101 T-shirts in this exclusive Nørgaard paa Strøget version in the store on Amagertorv in Copenhagen. Kay Bojesen is synonymous with original Danish design. And the collaboration with Mads Nørgaard unites the love of durable and long-lasting products, while adding the playfulness and quirky quality that Kay Bojesen loved to add to his designs to spark the imagination and create original stories made of wood. The iconic Monkey in new clothes is a fun and unpretentious celebration of both design icons, where with a twinkle in the eye we come together to pay tribute to the humour and smiling lines with colours and stripes that go far back in Danish design history.

Variations may occur in the stripes, but that is only because each monkey has its own unique personality. This is because the stripes are carefully applied to each Monkey x Nørgaard på Strøget through a handheld process.



25.550 kr.


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